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Monday, March 22, 2004
Kris and I have cleaned out about 90% of our offices now! Yay! This means we just have a little bit more to go and we can condense them into one. You know what that means...That means we can then start decorating the nursery! I've had one person (a guy) ask me if we're going to go crazy with the nursery. I'm not sure what he meant by crazy but we are going to decorate it. We're going to buy a crib. I'm going to paint the old dresser I'm using now because Kris and I are going to order ourselves new bedroom furniture. This old dresser I used when I was a baby! It's a dark brown color and I'm going to paint it white. Depending on the color of the baby's room, I might paint the knobs of the dresser different colors to match. We're going to paint the walls of the nursery and probably buy a rocker/glider kind of chair to put in there as well. My mom is going to help sew the crib bumpers, valance, bed skirt, etc unless we find something we just love and then we'll buy it instead. That's about it though. No murals on the walls. No thousands of dollars spent on baby furniture. Just the basics - crib, dresser, glider chair.

Now that we're so close - I'm getting antsy to get it the office furniture moved. I want to get started on the decorating!!! We probably won't though until the second weekend of April. This weekend I have two Pampered Chef shows and next weekend I have a Pampered Chef booth at a craft fair. I just need to calm down - this will get done eventually and sooner rather than later.

I'm also really antsy about the baby. I want to feel it move so badly!! I heard it move on the doppler last week but I can't feel anything yet. Every evening before going to sleep, I lie in bed watching the news or some other tv program and I just pay attention to my tummy, trying to feel anything. I can't yet and I know it's still a bit early. I'm only 16 weeks 5 days. I know a lot of first time mothers won't feel anything until closer to 20-24 weeks and that second, third, etc time mothers can feel things a lot earlier - either because they know what to look for or because they are showing more earlier due to the uterus being stretched this way before. Once again, I just need to relax and eventually it'll happen. See a theme here with me? I just need to relax. Relax.

Posted by Kristina at 3/22/2004 04:09:00 PM

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