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Friday, July 15, 2005
I've tried to get a post written earlier this week, really I did! We're staying at Uncle Dusty and Aunt Kim's house right now and there are tons of new things for Annika to explore and get into. Tuesday night, she crawled underneath our bed and promptly got herself stuck. She kept trying to stand up or get up on her hands and knees to crawl out and would hit her head. I had to help her shimmy her way back out. Silly girl!

Annika loves taking baths. She's started playing more with the water lately too instead of just the toys. She's taken to flopping. Flopping is flopping back into the water and then kicking and splashing like crazy. Then Annika gets up, plays with toys for a bit, then flops back into the water to kick and splash. All the while, she has a great big grin on her face and laughs her head off. It's really great fun. Annika is also testing out putting her face in the water. She oh-so-carefully lowers her face/chin to the water, over her mouth and sometimes her nose. Every once in a while she'll take breath while doing this and get a mouthful of water. Then the gasping and coughing starts. Of course, as soon as she gets her breath back, she's back in the water doing it again. It scares me something fierce every time she does this but I'm letting her explore since I'm literally right next to her at all times. Annika has also learned how to "step" out of her pants. When I'm running her bath water, she stands next to the tub waiting to get in. I usually pull her shorts/pants down and she lifts one leg at a time for me to take them off. It's too cute!

Wednesday we closed on the townhouse. We are officially house-less!

Yesterday morning as I was leaving Dusty and Kim's house, I forgot to turn off the alarm and opened the front door. Yep, it went off and boy is it loud! I rushed over to the panel and punched in the code. Kim came upstairs and the agency called asking if we were all right. Me, I was red-faced, apologizing repeatedly and running out the door, trying to escape my embarrassment, hoping I didn't wake Annika and feeling pretty silly myself. Oh well. I don't think I'll be forgetting about that again anytime soon! Of course, Annika slept right through it. She wakes when I tiptoe out of her room, but sleeps through the blaring alarm! Argh! :)

Our friends Are, Jessie and their daughter Mia are in town for a few weeks. Kris and Annika went to see them yesterday and I cut out of work early to join them. They live in Denmark while Are attends medical school and this was the first time we met Mia. She is an absolute doll! She has these great big blue eyes that are just gorgeous. She's just precious! She's about 2 months younger than Annika and is crawling. She's also not used to babies bigger than she is so she was a little wary of Annika. Of course, it didn't help that Annika took all her toys away from her, fell on her while standing next to her, hit her and was generally just a big bully. Ah, my sweet daughter - is the playgroup hellion! :) Poor Mia. It was so great to see Are and Jessie again. They are just great people.

Last night, Kris, Annika and I met Grandma Lona and Grandpa Dale at the new house. The cabinets and trim are being installed this week. Everything looks great so far. I love it! The cabinets look fantastic with the 4th choice laminate flooring Kris picked out. There are a couple small things we'd like to change but we can do that ourselves after we close. Those workers sure aren't gentle though! We're going to have a lot of touch-ups to do on our paint job!

OK - this post is long enough. Have a great weekend!

Posted by Kristina at 7/15/2005 07:18:00 AM

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