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Monday, August 15, 2005
I wanted to write more last week. I really did! I even had a running list of stuff I wanted to tell you. It was just a very busy week. Sit back for a long one as I rattle everything off.

These are all about Annika. I'll tell you about the house at the end.

1 - Annika likes to look at her board books. She sits on the floor with the book in her lap and opens the pages and looks at the pictures. Sometimes, when she can't get the pages open, she gets frustrated. She'll try and try then put the book down, scream at the top of her lungs, pick the book up and try to open the pages again. Man, is it funny to watch this little itty bitty girl get so frustrated that she screams. Of course, as soon as she calms down, she gets the book open and is all happy smiles again. Girl has a temper! I think I'm in trouble.

2 - Annika and I have a new game we play. It's the chase, scoop, kiss game. Annika runs away from me, I chase after her saying "I'm gonna get you!" then I scoop her up and smother her with kisses. Then I set her down and off she goes again, looking back at me the whole time waiting for me to come get her. This game is lots of fun and full of giggles and kisses. It's my new favorite game.

3 - A follow on to #2 - Annika now officially runs. I can't believe it but she does. Of course, she'll get going too fast and fall on her face, but she can fun.

4 - Annika is a dramatic little pooper. I'm sure you all want to know this but for posterity's sake, I'm writing it down. Annika literally squats and grunts and squishes her face when she poops. I'm hoping (crossing my fingers) this means it will be easier to potty train her but for now I just snicker, ask her if she's pooping and then change her diaper.

5 - Annika has become pretty proficient at the stairs in the last couple of weeks. She prefers to go down the steps on her butt but can also do it on her belly. I'm still nervous when she's on them and am always near by but she needs me to be there less and less. The only thing is you have to make sure she sits at the top of the stairs. She still wants to walk down them like a big person sometimes.

6 - Annika has started screaming. She screams when she's happy, she screams when she's mad. She screams for no good reason but to scream. The screaming drivers her father crazy. He hates screaming, even if in fun. Too bad Daddy!

7 - Annika has clapped her hands for months now. Late last week, we were playing on the floor and Annika started clapping so I clapped a couple times. Annika clapped again so I did. Then Annika walked over to me, picked up my hands and clapped them together as if to say - Mother - don't stop clapping. She's done this to lots of people now - clapped their hands for them. She's such a smart little girl! :)

8 - Late last week, Annika also started figuring out her shape sorter. I was putting the round block in the round hole over and over again and pretty soon Annika took the block from me and put it in the round hole too. Now I need to teach her all the other shapes.

9 - Annika's interest in books has grown too. She's always liked to look at them and eat them, but Thursday, she brought a book to me as I was sitting on the floor, sat in my lap and wanted me to read it to her, so I did. Of course, her attention span is very short so she was done in two pages and was off playing again. I thought it was very cool though.

10 - My funny little girl was being silly last week and started walking with her head tilted to her left side. She doesn't do it all the time, but every once in a while she'll tilt her head when she's walking and playing. It must be a totally different view when you do that. It sure looks silly.

11 - Annika's tub toys are usually on the floor just outside the tub. When giving her a bath, I start the water and throw in the hippo tub thermometer. Then, as I'm gathering items, Annika throws her toys in the tub, one by one. After the toys are all in, I have to make sure Annika is undressed because she tries to climb in the tub after them.

12 - Saturday, Annika started kicking a ball. Her Uncle Mathias was kicking her plush, small soccer ball around the living room. Annika saw that and started walking and kicking it too. She's since done it with other toy balls as well.

13 - I've started "beeping" Annika's nose. I say "I'm gonna get your nose" and then "beep, beep, beep" it while pinching it. Annika thinks it's great fun and sticks her face out so I can get to it.

14 - Uncle Mathias won a bean bag chair at the county fair last weekend. Annika thinks that chair is the greatest thing. The chair is pretty full of beads right now since it's new. I'd lay Annika on the top of the chair and then roll it back and forth. She'd also back up to it and plop her butt down on the side of it. I think we might have to get her one.

15 - Annika's summer clothes are getting too small. Of course, with it being almost the end of summer, I don't want to go buy her more. So, she's walking around with her belly hanging out the bottom of her shirts. I'll buy her some new fall clothes for her birthday (short and long sleeve shirts, long pants). Annika's shoes are also getting too small. I have to go buy her size 4's already!

16 - Yesterday, Annika went to her first parade. It was a long one - 2 1/2 hours! Annika sat through almost the whole thing, mesmerized by the floats going by. She hasn't sat still for that long in months! We got a ton of candy and Grandpa Dan fed Annika two tootsie rolls and a couple Dots. She thought they were yummy.

House stuff: Friday, we had our initial walk through. There is a bunch of little stuff that they need to fix and a couple big things. The wall in our living room has a significant bow in it. We didn't notice it until they put the trim on. So, they have to rip a two foot hole in the sheetrock from floor to ceiling and fix that stud. They also have to fix a leak in our basement. Our basement has been wet in one area the whole time. We've repeatedly told them this and they keep saying the final grade will take care of it. Well, the location this wetness is won't be fixed by a final grade. We're waiting to find out what they're going to do about it. Don't worry - they will do something. Of that, we will make sure. They also have to putty all the nail holes in the trim. They tried to tell us that was our responsibility since we are doing the painting. Um since when is trim work and painting the same. We checked all our plans and checklists and no where does it same trim work. We'll make sure they get that done too. Then, there's a bunch of little things that need to be done. Closing day is just one week away!

Posted by Kristina at 8/15/2005 07:56:00 AM

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