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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
We're homeowners again! We closed on the house yesterday. After some drama and stress, the real work begins. :) We still have to finish all the painting and putty all the nail holes before we can really move in and settle to life as normal. Of course, then comes building the deck, installing a fireplace and finishing the basement.

I have lots of Annika news to share. Let's start with the bad and get that out of the way. Annika fell down a half flight of stairs last week. It was at Dusty and Kim's house. Babe, the dog, had run upstairs to our room. There were toys on the floor that Babe likes to play with and chew on so I was trying to get him back out. Being the terrible mother that I am, I left Annika unprotected and when Babe came shooting out of the bedroom, he knocked her over and she fell down the stairs. Other than getting a scare, she was just fine. She didn't have a bump, bruise, red-mark, nothing on her. I, however, cried like a baby (which in turn made Annika cry more). I think we've all recovered from the incident. Annika before me, of course. She was back climbing on the stairs and loving up the dog within 30 minutes.

Annika is finally growing some hair! She has a patch on the top of her head that is getting longer but all over her hair is about an inch long. It's light brown/blonde like Kris's but is also tinged with red too. I'll be excited when she has hair but she also won't look like my baby anymore. She'll look like a little girl.

Annika loves her green vegetables. One night last week her dinner consisted of lima beans, green beans, peas and a couple carrots. She wasn't interested in cheese, crackers, or anything else.

Annika loves picking things up and giving them to people. Last weekend while reading the Sunday paper, I took out the Best Buy ad and gave it to Annika. Then I told her to give it to her Dad. She actually walked over to her Daddy and gave it to him (a little crumpled). That's a neat trick girl! And quite handy too. :)

Annika turns 1 year old on September 7th! We're having a small party for her on the 10th. I have a whole bunch of ideas if anyone wants to get her something. :) I'm having her 1 year pictures taken on Labor Day, September 5th. And she has her 1 year doctor appointment on September 8th. She has to get yucky shots that day.

My baby doll has found her nose. And she likes sticking her finger up it. She looks pretty funny with her finger in her nose but of course we still tell her yes, that's your nose and to take it out and then we turn around and snicker.

Last week, I gave Annika some food that was a bit too hot. I blew on it before setting it on her high chair tray. She thought that was pretty cool so she tried blowing on it too before eating it. She's done that few times since, blowing on her food before eating it. I wonder if I could get her to blow out a birthday candle at her party? That would be too cute.

Aunt Carrie flew home on Friday to surprise Uncle Dusty for his birthday. We all went out to dinner Friday night. I was worried how Annika would do being up so late past her bed time. She did just fine at dinner, being the ham and attention hog that she is. She also went to bed fairly easily that night. Saturday, Kris and I were gone most of the day painting at the new house. When we got back that afternoon, we were told Annika was a crab most of the day. She was fine when she was with Kris or I but that night whenever other people wanted to hold her, she was a crabby girl. Well, except for Aunt Kim. She really likes Aunt Kim. Kris thinks it's because Aunt Kim has dark hair like Mommy.

Sunday, we had our 3rd playdate with Mommy's work friends. This time Daddy's and other siblings were invited too. Lisa and her family brought their jumpy thing (similar to this one) for the kids to play in. Annika had a blast! I really want one for at our house. We could even set it up in the basement during the winter. Lisa said she got theirs at Mills Fleet Farm and the reason they got the one they did was it was big enough for an adult to go in too. It only took 10 minutes or so to set up and another 10 or so to tear down. I want one!

Last Thursday I got a call from the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Did you all know I'm on that? Anyway, they said I was a possible match for someone. It's in the very early stages and they just wanted to make sure they had updated contact information. If the early testing goes well, I would be called in for more testing (more blood samples) and if that goes well, there is even more testing before a possible donation would be made. This is the 2nd call I've received. The first came in November of 2003. Less than a month later I found out I was pregnant with Annika so I had to call and tell them. They put you on an 18 month hold. Guess my 18 months is up. They didn't tell me anything about the possible recipient this time. Last time it was a 36 year old woman with Leukemia needing a transfer. Ok - gotta go.

Posted by Kristina at 8/23/2005 08:43:00 AM

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