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Friday, February 10, 2006
I uploaded 38 new pictures last night into photo album #7. Go check them out!

There is one photo in there I was super excited to take. It's the one (actually there are couple) of Annika's hair curling up in back. Her hair has grown past the bottom of her natural hairline in back! Granted, it's still pretty thin, however, Kris and I were still excited! And look - it curls! Yay!

Annika's hair on the top of her head is also growing longer. Annika was playing with a twixit clip and Kris clipped it into her hair. She thought that was hilarious and now we have to clip her hair whenever she runs across them.

Last weekend Lisa said she and Brad wrote down all the words Emma says or signs. They had come up with 56 different words! What an amazing accomplishment! Kris and I have been writing down all the words Annika says ever since then. Annika only has two signs that she uses. One is more and the other is milk. However, for Annika, the milk sign means nurse. We only nurse on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings after I bring Annika into bed with us to cuddle and snuggle. It's still dark in our room at that time so usually Annika is signing milk in the dark. Luckily, I know what she's doing and can oblige. It's our precious cuddling time and I love it. She doesn't ask to nurse at any other time. Anyway, back to the word topic. So far, we've written down 29 words that Annika says. Last night she said soft for the first time. I was bringing her upstairs to change her diaper and she insisted on bringing a stuffed animal with her. When I laid her down on the floor, she was stroking her stuffed animal and saying soft over and over again. I praised her and said "yes, that is soft" and then covered her face and neck with kisses.

I have to give a short introduction speech today (I was chairman of a committee) in front of about 60 people including the directors and VPs of my building at work. Please think good thoughts for me today at lunch time. I hope I don't trip over my words!


Updated to add: The lunch went really well. I received compliments from many people. My speech was funny (they were laughing - they like me, they really like me!) and all is well. Whew!

Posted by Kristina at 2/10/2006 07:59:00 AM

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