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Monday, July 03, 2006
Sorry - long time, no post. Things have been busy, ok? Let's see, where was I? Oh yes, grass. We have grass! And it is lovely. We haven't played on it too much yet because it's still rooting and we don't want to break it. Heh. The grass came last Wednesday when I was working from home. All I can say is thank goodness we were home because it was chaos! Picture this, I'm sitting at my desk in the office on a telecon with work when all of a sudden my phone goes dead and I lose my internet connection. This happens, of course, when there is a worker outside grading the lawn in prepartion for the grass. Great, I think, he's cut the phone line. I walk out into the hallway to tell Kris and he says, "No, he's cut the power." Oh, really great. We head outside to talk to worker-guy and he swears he didn't touch a thing. And by looking around, it appears he hasn't. Weird. Kris calls the electric company who come out and sure enough, we do have power to the house. Hmph. It seems our main circuit breaker won't stay closed. Hmph again. So, we call our builder to place a warranty call. They send out an electrician who opens the box and immediately sees the problem. Turns out it was worker-guy after all. When he was grading near the house he snagged our ground wire and yanked it a good 3-4 inches, grounding our main circuit breaker. The fix was quick and easy and again we have power. Of course, shortly after this fiasco, Kris notices a blue irrigation tube in the front yard. A tube for the sprinkler system that should be buried. The grass is already here and being laid so Kris decides he'll bury it himself so it's not so close to the surface. That could only spell trouble in the future, right? Of course, as Kris is doing this he notices that the blue tube is actually leaking. When worker-guy was grading, he must have knicked it. Of course, it shouldn't have been so close to the surface in the first place, but it's too late now. So, once again we're on the phone with our builder because of course the sod company is not the same as the irrigation company. The builder leaves a message with the irrigation company and the sod people lay grass all around the leak, even leaving a small piece of sod to fill in the hole after the irrigation guy shows up to fix the leak. Irrigation guy shows up, 5 minutes later the leak is fixed and the grass is laid and Wow! We have grass! Like I said, it was a good thing someone was home because otherwise neither of these issues would have been addressed.

Other than that, not much has been happening at our house. We have no plans for the 4th. We may get together with Grandpa Dan, Marcia and maybe Uncle Mathias if they have time tomorrow. Annika has been asking for Uncle Mathias a lot lately so it would be nice if she could see him. She certainly is smitten with him. And every time she talks about him she says "Uncle Mathias cute!" Really! It is just too adorable for words. Other than that, we've just been playing, dancing and singing around our house. Annika loves it when Daddy and I get up to dance with her (which is just mostly her taking our hands and us spinning). She also loves singing and so we sing a lot of Twinkle, Twinkle and ABC's lately. Those are by far her favorite. Oh and kisses. She's constantly kissing things (owies, moles, her toys, the air) and then saying "All better!" And if she falls or trips or otherwise ever so slightly injures her self it's immediately "Owie! Kiss it! All Better!" We are constantly kissing things over here. We were watching America's Funniest Vidoes tonight (Annika loves this show!) and when somebody fell during the show she ran over to kiss the TV and then yelledd "All better!" She is just too cute.

Posted by Kristina at 7/03/2006 09:37:00 PM

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