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Monday, August 28, 2006
Kris has taught Annika how to do push-ups. Most days Kris does push-ups and crunches at home and of course, Annika wants to help. She sits on his stomach for crunches and lays down on his back for push-ups. Now, for the first couple push-ups she lays down on the floor next to him with her hands next to her chest and her elbows up in the air. Kris says up and Annika pushes herself up until she's on her tip-toes and then he says down and she lowers herself to the ground. She repeats this a couple times and when Kris says "Good job Annika!" she knows that's her cue and she can now scramble up on Daddy's back. It is so cute and she is so proud of herself.

Saturday night Annika got a hold of Kris's cell phone and like the lazy parents we are, we didn't take it away from her immediately. She was in the living room with us so we just watched her play with it. It wasn't until I heard a voice coming from the phone that I realized she had called someone! She had called Nana and Papa's house! I think we'll have to be more careful with the phones. We don't need her accidentally calling 911 or something.

I've been feeling the baby move every day now. It's mostly little flutters but every once in a while, I'll feel an actual kick. So cool! I just love it!

Yesterday we went to the state fair, a first for Annika. I think she had a good time and she was very well behaved. She didn't have a nap the whole day (well, until the car ride home, of course) and she only had two little tantrums. There must have been enough stimulation to keep her entertained. She saw the cows, horses, pigs, goats and fish. And when I asked her about what she saw yesterday she named the cows, horses and pigs again so they must have made an impression. And man did that girl eat yesterday! Every time I turned around someone was feeding her something! And she kept eating and eating and eating! And then she ate an entire piece of pizza last night too and then pie and ice cream for dessert! As Papa remarked yseterday, she must have a super high metabolism right now because she is a skinny little girl and yet she can really pack away the food! I have a bunch of fair pictures that I'll try to upload this week. We brought the wagon with for Annika to ride in and it worked out really well. There was extra room for us to store stuff and I think it worked better than either of our strollers would have. Our jogging stroller doesn't turn very well (it's front wheel doesn't pivot so you have to tip the stroller back a bit to turn it) and the umbrella stroller is so short that you have to hunch over to push it. A whole day of that would have been terrible. Thank goodness for the wagon! Speaking of strollers, I think we need to get a double stroller. Annika will be too little to walk everywhere when this baby is born. Of the choices I've seen so far, Kris and I definitely want a front-back double stroller and not a side-side one. We saw a couple at the fair that instead of a full second seat in back, it has a little platform for the older child to stand on and a small seat for them to sit on. A stroller similar to this one. Does anyone out there who might be reading this have experience with this kind of stroller? What did you think?

Posted by Kristina at 8/28/2006 08:58:00 AM

:) Just FYI, Gavin did actually call 911 with our phone when he was little. I didn't know when I grabbed the phone from him and hung it up, but they called back to ask if there was anything wrong. *shrug* nothing happened though. I just told them my baby accidentally called them and they said OK and hung up.
Oh, one more. We got a sit n stand stroller. The one we got was a lot bigger though - it is a total beast! It is hard to manuver in stores, but it is great for the kids! It has plenty of room for Jessie to sit or stand on that back seat and we can pop the car seat into the front for the baby. The hood part can work for the front or the back and it folds up enough to fit in the back of my van - although it is still huge! I don't remember the brand or price, I think Kris just went out to Target to get it though. I just know it was a lot bigger then that one - and that looks like the seat for Annika may get crowded with the car seat popped into the front. I like that Jessie can actually sit in her back seat.
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