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Monday, October 30, 2006
Kris and I are going to the Vikings-Patriots Monday Night Football game tonight! We're going to be in row 2, between the 10 and 20 yard lines on the Patriots side of the field. Look for us!

We had a low key weekend, just as planned. Annika is doing really well with the potty training. We didn't have any #1 accidents at all this weekend. Each day had a #2 accident but I think she'll get it with that pretty quickly too. I was even really daring yesterday and instead of a diaper, I put on a vinyl training pant during nap time and she woke up dry! Yay! Another day at home today with Kris (and with neighbors Andrew and Katie tonight while Mommy and Daddy are out cheering for the Vikings) and I think she'll be ready for her first outing tomorrow in underwear (with vinyl training pants over them). Tomorrow is her ECFE class. I'm so proud of my baby. She is pretty cute about it all too. Each time she goes on the potty she says "Good girl Annika! So proud of you!" And then she hops off and goes to get her candy.

Saturday morning Annika wore her lady bug costume to gymnastics class. A bunch of other little kids were also dressed up (Tigger, Winnie-the-Pooh, Snow White, Dorothy, etc.). I heard a bunch of people remark "What a cute litle ladybug!" And of course, she was! She's wearing her costume to ECFE class tomorrow as well. And of course she'll wear it tomorrow night when we go to a couple houses trick or treating. She's going to end up wearing it 4 different times. That's not too bad for a wear-it-once costume!

I think I've mentioned before that once in a while Annika will talk in her sleep. Yesterday while we were napping, Annika rolled from her left side to her back and whispered "six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve," and then the thirteen and fourteen trailed off again. It was so cute!

Not so cute was when she woke up this morning at 5am. I think the time change is affecting her. Either way she was not going back to sleep in her crib. I brought her into bed with us and she laid there and snuggled with me until it was time for me to get up. Then she wanted to get up and shower and get ready with me. I told her she had to stay in bed with Daddy and that Mommy had to get ready to go to work. I thought for sure there was going to be a fuss but instead she just laid there the whole time with Daddy in the dark. When I left she was asking for a stuffed animal (the Grover I brought her apparently wasn't the one she wanted) and I knew then that she was most likely up for the day. Poor Kris. He was up late last night and now he was up really early this morning. I foresee a nap with Annika in his future!

The office/nursery is almost entirely cleaned out. The only items left in there are the desk and the printer cabinet. Both of those will be moved to their new locations on Friday the 10th. All I have to do between now and then is clean up the desk a little bit. Yay! There was definitely progress made. And I also went through all of Annika's outgrown clothing this weekend. I was able to take out 2 heaping garbage bags full for this little guy. It's mostly green and yellow (plus receiving blankets, bibs, socks, etc.) but there was also a couple "boy" sleepers and outfits in there that Annika wore too. I'm pretty confident that I have enough supplies for this baby, at least in the 0-3 month department. I have receiving blankets, sleepers, onesies, socks, hats, burp clothes, bibs, etc. And I have at least two actual outfits. I shouldn't need to buy anything additional before he comes. Of course need and want are entirely separate. I already know of at least one Christmas present that he is getting from Mommy and Daddy. Either way, I feel pretty good and less stressed about it. All extra expenditures for the next two months can be Christmas present related instead of getting ready for baby related. Then, after Christmas I can focus again on any last minute needs for the baby. Also, larger items like the double stroller and such can wait until after Christmas or even after he's born.

Last night, after Annika went to bed, Kris and I were relaxing in the living room watching some random television. I was laying in the recliner and Baby Boy was going wild. He was moving all over the place. I slid my shirt up so I could see my belly and there were these huge ripples and waves going across the whole thing. I told Kris to turn and look and he saw a couple huge kicks and movements. All he could say was "That's creepy" albeit with a smile on his face. I don't think it's creepy at all. I think it's really cool! I watched Baby Boy a bit longer and then he settled down again. The funniest part though was each time he would make a big movement and my stomach would bend all out of shape, I would start giggling. And each time I giggled, my belly button popped out! So I started flexing my stomach muscles and I could make it pop out on my own. I don't think it will be much longer before I have an outie all the time!

Posted by Kristina at 10/30/2006 09:22:00 AM

You are so weird!! Belly button popping!?! Who does that?
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