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Friday, January 19, 2007
First, a doctor appointment update. All is well. BP, weight gain, urine are all fine. My belly is measuring right on for dates. An internal check found me to be 3+ cm dilated so maybe a little progress from last week but not much. I found out I am Group B strep positive again. Since I am allergic to penicillin, they ran the advanced culture and found out that once again, the strain I have is resistant to penicillin. In fact, it's resistant to the number 2 drug they usually use too so I am forced to go with the third option, Vancomycin. This is the same thing that happened during Annika's pregnancy and I ended up with the same drug then too. I didn't have any adverse reactions to it then so I should be fine now too. It stinks that I'll have to have that IV during labor but there's not much I can do about it. One funny thing happened during the appointment. When my midwife was measuring my belly and then pressing on it to find out how baby boy was positioned, she asked how big Annika was at birth. I told her 9 pounds, 2 ounces and she said "Uh huh." So I asked if Baby Boy felt large and she said "Uh huh" again. I giggled and said "Great." She said she's confident I could deliver a 10 pound baby if needed. Yeah, I sure hope that doesn't happen! I think at my next appointment we may start talking about non-invasive, home remedy type induction techniques in the hopes of me not going much past my due date. So, everything is status quo and I go back next Friday for my 39 week appointment.

For the past couple months if you tell Annika something like "Mommy's eating cereal for breakfast" or "Mommy has to go to work now" or "Mommy is reading this book" Annika will respond with a big "Oooohhhh! Mommy is" and then repeat whatever it was that you just told her. Kris and I always think it is so cute but have wondered where she gets it from. This morning as I was getting ready to leave Annika told Daddy that Mommy had to go see the doctor and Kris responded with "Oh, Mommy is going to the doctor." Yeah, I think the mystery of the big "oh" has been solved. Annika picked it up from her Daddy.

Posted by Kristina at 1/19/2007 11:07:00 AM

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