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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
It's going home from the hospital day! We arrived home about 10:30 this morning. Everyone was speedy and efficient this morning in getting us out of there early. They were a little too efficient though and actually forgot to give James his PKU shot so we have to go back tomorrow to get that done. The nurse who called this afternoon was so apologetic, making us come back in the bitter cold. We're going to go get that done tomorrow morning. And the pediatrician said James looks so good and is eating so well that we don't have to come back until his two week check up. I'll add that to my list of phone calls I need to make tomorrow.

James has been such a good baby so far. He is so calm and content. Of course he sleeps most of the time at this age but he's also pretty tolerant. He doesn't like having his diaper changed and he cried yesterday when I accidentally cut his precious little finger while cutting his razor sharp nails. Oh, and he cried when the baby nail cutter flipped out of my hand and hit him in the head. Ah, whoops! My poor baby - he landed himself an incompetent mother! Otherwise though, he didn't make a peep when Annika poked him over and over again yesterday. And, get this, he slept the whole night last night! This is what I remember. He ate at midnight, fell asleep at the breast and was put in his bassinet. I went to sleep and was woke up by the nurse at 2am. She needed to bring James to the nursery for the hearing test, a weight check and to check his bilirubin levels. One of the nurses thought he looked a little yellow. I went back to sleep and woke up again when she brought him back at 3am. She said his weight had dropped to 8 pounds 10 ounces (a 7% drop which is within the 10% they allow at discharge) and that his bilirubin level was 6.5 and nothing to be concerned with at this time. I tried to feed him when she left but he wasn't interested and instead went back to sleep so I put him back in the bassinet again. Then I woke up at 4am, took some ibuprofen and watched him sleep for a bit. Then I woke at 5am when he stirred a bit. I took my chance and tried to feed him but again, he wasn't hungry and fell back asleep so I put him back down again. I woke again at 6am. I was worried that he needed to nurse! But he was sleeping so I fell asleep again too. Then, finally, at 7am he woke up and ate a little bit. Then he went back to sleep again but Kris and I stayed up for the day. He basically didn't nurse from midnight until 7am! I told the pediatrician this morning and he wasn't that concerned. He said a hungry baby is a fussy baby and since James was more than content, he was just fine. He said because he's a bigger baby, I don't need to worry if he goes more like 4-5 hours between feedings and that at this stage, he may just be tired yet from delivery. He told me this could all change too when my milk comes in. So, I'll just continue to take James' cues and feed him when he tells me he's hungry. He gives me all the obvious signs (rooting, sticking his tongue out, etc.) so I'll just pop him on whenever he wants. That's what I did with Annika and that seemed to go just fine. Hopefully my milk comes in soon so James can start putting some of his weight back on too.

Yesterday Annika and James met for the first time. As soon as Annika walked into the hospital room she went right over to the bassinet where James was sleeping and said "Oh, a baby!" I told her that was her baby brother and then she was really interested. She wanted to hold him and touch him and kiss him. I sat down in the rocking chair and had Annika on my right leg and held James in my left arm so she could get up close to him. She touched him all over and gave him kisses and hugs. It was so sweet. Then we handed James off so I could get some good Annika time too. After we gave her the present from Baby Brother and a present from Auntie Krystle she was busy playing the rest of the day. She was with us for about 4 hours before Daddy took her home to take a nap while Auntie Krystle stayed with James and I. Kris and Annika came back for another couple hours last evening. And she came to the hospital this morning so we could all go home together as a family. Annika has been excellent today too. She has so far showed no signs of jealousy (I know we're only on day 2 - humor me!) and is still really interested in her brother. She held him twice again today and comes over all the time to give him kisses and hugs and touches. We have to make sure we wash her hands all the time and that she doesn't touch or kiss his face (too much at least) since she is a little germ factory with her cold. Maybe it's a good thing I got her cold last weekend. I'm sure I'm already passing antibodies on to James. I sure hope he doesn't get our stuffy, runny nose and cough! I'm trying to make sure I hold and love on Annika as much as I can. I even laid down with her while she took her nap today. I didn't sleep the whole time as I also fed James and changed his diaper but I was able to sleep for a little while and I was there when Annika fell asleep and woke up which I think she liked. It's at least something she's used to, something that's within her normal routine. I need to be able to keep some of her same routines for her. I think it will help with the transition.

Yesterday Gramme was able to come meet James on her lunch break. And last night Grandpa came to spend a few hours with us after work. And tonight Mary was able to come meet James too. I'm sure it was a totally different experience for her this time. I think this is the first new baby she's met since she found out she's pregnant. Hopefully the long car ride and dinner won't combine to make her sick. She's still in that pukey pregnancy stage. Yuck! Anyway, I've loved having the visitors. We are so lucky to have so many people who love us!

James is going on 48 hours old now and Daddy has yet to change a diaper. I know he will, but I think it's funny that he hasn't yet! And in that 48 hours, I've only been peed on once! Well, I wasn't actually hit, but his going home from the hospital outfit was a casualty this afternoon as was his blanket and pack 'n play! It was funny because it went sideways! And went a couple feet away! That's what I get for trying to change a poopy diaper! I'm a rookie at this baby boy stuff!

OK, one hilarious story and then I'm going to stop writing for this evening. Tonight Annika walked over to me and said "Look, mama, at my penis!" I looked down and here she's holding the dog's bone between her legs! I tried to keep a straight face as I said "Turn around and show your Daddy." Then after she had turned around Mary and I looked at each other and cracked up! Oh, little girl, you are so funny!

Posted by Kristina at 2/07/2007 08:17:00 AM

It's in french again! Woo Hoo! So sorry I couldn't make it yesterday, the Annika comment made me laugh, but my sore throat is now worse so it's a good thing I stayed away. And I just LOVE the pictures. My favorites are of you and your two precious children. Beautiful family!
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