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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saturday I had some errands to do at the local mall. Kris and the kids came with and while James and I went shopping, Kris watched Annika while she played in the kids play area. As I was making my way back to them I see Kris helping Annika put her coat back on. They met James and I by the entrance and Annika tells me "Mommy, I want a treat. I want some ice cream." I told her "Okay, let's go find a treat" and started walking towards the food court area. I assumed Kris was tired of sitting there and had told her we could go get a treat or something. No, what actually happened was Annika was tired of playing and went over to Kris telling him she was hungry and wanted a treat. Kris said "Oh, really?" And Annika told him yes and that she wanted ice cream. Kris never agreed to it and just started helping her put her coat on. So, due to lack of communication between Kris and I, Annika got her ice cream treat. I have to admit that I sort of felt like I'd been scammed by my three year old. Oh well, it could have been worse. James was all over that ice cream treat though and was pretty upset when it was all gone. I ordered a blizzard from DQ for us all to share. I had two spoons and while Annika had one, James and I shared the other. I would alternate between he and I and each time I gave myself some James would watch the spoon go from the cup to my mouth. And then when it was gone he was so unhappy.

Sunday Krystle, Gramme and I went to the wedding fair in Minneapolis. We had a fun time picking out dresses for Krystle, bridesmaid dresses for me, wedding bands for Krystle, looking at photographers pictures, etc. That morning while I was getting ready I was telling Annika that I was going with Gramme and Krystle and would be back later that day. She was so sad. First she wanted to go with us. When I told her she couldn't she asked if Gramme was going to stay and play with her. I said maybe when we got back home she would. That was okay but Annika was still sad. Then she asked if she was going home with Gramme to stay overnight. I told her no, maybe another time and then she got really sad again. Poor girl. When we got home Gramme did stay for a while to play with her and promised she could come stay overnight at her house soon. It was okay that Gramme was leaving then because we had plans to go out to dinner with Grandpa and Marcia and Marcia's son Mike along with Krystle and Pierce. If we didn't have those plans, I'm sure Annika would have been very sad when Gramme left. Annika was a big goofball at dinner too, as was James. Both spent a lot of time on Grandpa's lap being silly.

James has become a really big fan of baths. He loves water and often toddles over the bathtub and bangs on the side, wanting to get in. I'll put him in there sometimes without water to play with the toys while I'm getting ready. Last week one day Kris relayed this story to me. He was giving James and Annika a bath when James stood up and peed a little bit and then sat back down in the tub. Realizing what he had done, he started giggling. Kris looked at Annika and asked "Did James just pee in the bathtub?" It was so unexpected! Then, James, still giggling, stood up again and peed more before sitting and giggling again. And then bathtime was over. What a little goofball! I thought I had at least a little more time before those antics showed up! Lately when in the bathtub James has also been experimenting with putting his face in the water. I think this freaks Kris out because he's always telling James not to do that. James will sit in the tub and lean forward until his mouth and chin touch the water and then he'll drink some of the water or play with the water on his face. We have to keep a pretty close eye on him when he's in there. Sometimes he'll forget and breathe in when he does this and then there is much coughing.

James also loves the dog's water dish. Every time the laundry room door is open for Dagur to eat, James beelines it for the dog's water dish. I'll keep picking him up and bringing him back to the family room and try to distract him with toys and he just stands up and toddles as fast as he can back to the water. We'll do this over and over again until Dagur is done eating. Then we close the door again and James has a fit. He's pretty good at that actually with the back arching, the flopping down on the floor, the kicking of the feet. Ah, fun times.

Last night Krystle and Pierce came over to babysit for a little while so I could go to an association meeting. Annika was so excited for them to come over. She gave me a big hug and kiss good-bye and got busy playing with them. James saw me put my coat and shoes on and head towards the garage door and stood up from where he was playing on the floor and took off after me. He's getting so fast now! Krystle had a hard time chasing him down and before she could get to him he was over to me and wrapped around my leg. Krystle scooped him up though and distracted him with toys and he was fine with me leaving. When I got home about an hour later, I got a great reaction from James and a not so great one from Annika. James heard the garage door open and as I stepped inside the house he came around the corner and saw me. His face just exploded into the biggest smile and he stretched out his arms and toddled as quickly as he could over to me. He was so happy to have his Mama home. Annika on the other hand had wished I stayed away a while longer. When Auntie Krystle and Uncle Pierce started getting ready to leave Annika dissolved into a puddle of tears. She wanted them to stay longer to play. I asked her if she wanted Mommy to leave again and she said yes. Thanks dear. I, being the good mom that I am (heh), bribed her with cartoons. Actually it was bedtime anyway and while I put James to bed Annika watches the Good Night Show on Sprout. So, we went upstairs to do that and then she was okay. Bottom line though is I think Annika would like to get out more, play with friends and family. So, if anyone wants to come play with my daughter or would like me to drop her off with you, just let me know! I think Annika is up for it! :)

Posted by Kristina at 1/16/2008 07:42:00 AM

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